Weekly Calls #201102.4

Semanalmente publicaremos los call for abstracts y equivalentes que puedan ser de interés para los estudiantes del MPAA y los investigadores del DPA. Para enviar anuncios de otras convocatorias: @email Every week we will publish the different call for abstracts that might interest the MPAA students and DPA researchers. If you want to send the announcements of other calls: @email

Le Journal Spéciale Z
subject: NARRATION
due date: 2011 March 15th / website
INDESEM (INternational DEsign SEMinar)
subject: Losing ground
due date: 2011 March 7th / website
I Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Bajo Palabra-UAM
subject: Reflexiones para un mundo plural
due date: 2011 April 15th / website

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Diseño web: Luis Gallego Pachón // Programación web: Jorge Troya Moreno