MIE18 / 12:30 Francis Strauven: Aldo van Eyck & the Dutch Srtucturalism

El próximo miércoles 18 de abril a las 12.30 y como parte del Programa de Movilidad del Profesorado para Másters Oficiales 2011/2012 del Ministerio de Educación el Profesor FRANCIS STRAUVEN impartirá la conferencia ALGO VAN EYCK AND THE DUTCH STRUCTURALISM en el Salón de Actos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. La entrada es libre hasta completar el aforo.

Francis Strauven is Emeritus Professor of History of Architecture at the University of Ghent and a founding board member of the Archives d’Architecture Moderne in Brussels. He is also a member of the Belgian Royal Flemish Academy of Art and Science. Apart from teaching architectural history from the Renaissance to the twentieth century, he has also conducted research on the development of the Modern Movement, especially in Belgium and the Netherlands. He has written articles and monographs on art nouveau, functionalism, CIAM, Team 10, and related topics. In 1994 he published a monograph on Aldo van Eyck, the English version of which appeared in 1997. Strauven edited Aldo van Eyck. Writings (2008), a compilation of Van Eyck’s lectures, essays, letters and articles.

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Diseño web: Luis Gallego Pachón // Programación web: Jorge Troya Moreno