Alberto Campo Baeza


Nació en Valladolid y vio la luz en Cádiz.

Es Catedrático de Proyectos en Madrid desde 1986 y ha sido profesor en la ETH de Zurich, la EPFL de Laussanne, Penn University en Philadelphia, Kansas State University y en la CUA de Washington, y en L’Ecole d’Architecture en Tournai, Bélgica. Y en muchas otras universidades del mundo.

Es Académico de número de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando desde 2014.

Ha dado conferencias en todo el mundo, y recibido premios como el Torroja, la Tessenow Gold Medal de los arquitectos alemanes en Hamburgo, el Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize de los arquitectos americanos en Nueva York y el International Award Architecture in Stone de los italianos en Verona. Es Fellowship del RIBA de Londres, ha ganado el BigMat en Berlín y el premio Español de Arquitectura Internacional.

Su trabajo ha sido expuesto en el Crown Hall de Chicago o en la Basílica de Palladio o en el Tempietto de S. Pietro in Montorio o en el MAXXI en Roma, o en la American Academy of Arts and Letters en Nueva York.

Se han publicado muchas ediciones de los libros con sus textos “La Idea Construida”, “Pensar con las manos”, “Principia Architectonica”, “Poética Architectonica”, “Varia Architectonica”, “Quiero ser arquitecto”, “Teaching to teach”, “La suspensión del tiempo”, y “Textos Críticos”. Muchos de ellos han sido publicados en varios idiomas. Recientemente la editorial Thames & Hudson ha publicado una monografía muy completa sobre su obra.


Born in Valladolid and he saw the Light in Cadiz.

He is a Professor in the School of Architecture of Madrid, ETSAM. He has taught at the ETH in Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne as well as the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, the Kansas State University, the CUA University in Washington, and L’Ecole d’Architecture in Tournai, Belgique.

He is Full Member at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando of Spain since 2014.

He has given many lectures all over the world, and has received many awards like the Torroja Prize, the Award of the UPM University for his Excellence in Teaching, the Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal, the Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the RIBA International Fellowship, the BigMat in Berlin, and the International Prize of Spanish Architecture.

He has exhibited his work in the Crown Hall by Mies at Chicago’s IIT and at the Palladio Basilica in Vicenza. And in the Urban Center in New York. And at the Saint Irene Church in Istanbul. And in the MA Gallery in Tokyo, in the MAXXI in Rome, and in the American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York.

And there are many editions of the books with his texts “La Idea Construida” (The Built Idea), “Pensar con las manos” (Thinking with your hands), “Principia Architectonica”, “Poetica Architectonica”, “Varia Architectonica”, “Quiero ser Arquitecto” (I want to be an Architect), “Teaching to teach”, “La suspension del tiempo” and “Textos Críticos”. Many of them have been published in several languages. Recently, all his work has been gathered in a book “Complete Works” by Thames & Hudson.