18Nov.9.30h//visions and tools in teaching architecture//class presentation [intertwining no. 1]

#06 ‘art and science’ contemporary challenge
[shklovsky, whytehead, moholy-nagy, giménez]

#antonio juárez chicote
#visions and tools in teaching architecture
#class presentation [intertwining no. 1]
#altuna+linares / bazarjani+m-millana / ganzabal+santiago+shixing /
#giráldez+huaraca+cosentino+piazzi // [11 x 5 mins.]
#mpaa 6, otoño 2014-15

aula 1N5/evento público

28Oct.10h//Antonio Juárez//#03 h:d:e: n:is:s [:::.d.] l:: ::::r:e ::i:e `: n: ::r :e: ::l:b:t::r::, :ê::

#03 h:d:e: n:is:s [:::.d.] l:: ::::r:e ::i:e `: n: ::r :e: ::l:b:t::r::, :ê::
v:s:on: and tool: :n te:ch:ng :rch:tecture

#v:s:ons and tools :n teach:ng arch:tecture
#re-read:ng avant-garde (II)
#anton:o juárez ch:cote
#sem:nar:o de :nvest:gac:ón
#otoño 2014-15