We are pleased to announce the launchment of Critic|all III International Conference on Architectural Design & Criticism, organized by the Architectural Design Department of Madrid School of Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, to be held from 26 to 27 April 2018.

In its third edition, under the topic #un-thology, we propose to reflect upon anthologies as an academic genre that have had a significant role in the formation of the history of architectural theory, and how this type of text compilations could continue to be instrumental in the forthcoming times.

The call for abstracts is now open. The full Call for Papers and all information can be found at www.criticall.es

Among many other members of the Scientific Committee, we are proud to count on Sylvia Lavin (UCLA) and Hilde Heynen (KU Leuven) as confirmed keynote speakers.

In the believe that this conference on architectural criticism is a great opportunity for both young and senior researchers to exchange their insights, we invite you to share this announcement among those who might be interested.

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MPAA Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados | ETS Arquitectura Madrid, UPM
Diseño web: Luis Gallego Pachón // Programación web: Jorge Troya Moreno